
  • Confiscating Recalls Violates Democracy! Shame on Legislators for Maliciously Raising the Difficulty of Recalls, Daring to Amend the Law against the Flow of Public Opinion!

    THE RIGHT TO RECALL IS ONE OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS FOR CITIZENS TO PARTICIPATE IN POLITICS. In the past, the high-threshold recall law was successfully amended in 2016 to lower the threshold and...

  • Thanking the International Interns

    United States, who chose to intern at CCW. In this four month internship period, these students not only assisted in the collection of materials for legislator evaluation and essay translation, but al...

  • Meeting with International Organization IDEA

    On Tuesday May 21st, the director of the Asia Pacific Region, Leena Rikkilä Tamang, from the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, IDEA, visited CCW. Both parties discussed t...

  • “Looking Back on Five Years of an Open Parliament

    In 2012, Taiwan Zero Hour Government Group,, began forming Asia’s largest hacker group, calling for “code to change society”. This weekend, g0v summit 2024 was held before the presidential inau...

  • The Curtain Falls on the First Annual CCW Board Game Tournament- SooChow University Cup

    On April 27th, CCW hosted “Battle at the Legislative Yuan- the 2024 First Annual CCW Board Game Tournament- SooChow University Cup” at SooChow University. Following the high turnout of the previous pr...

  • Sri Lanka Welcomes Reform for Supervision of Campaign Expenditures: CCW Invited to Share Taiwan’s Experience with Transparency of Election Funds

    Expenditure Bill” which enjoyed broad support, receiving a majority of 61 votes. Facing this series of changes, Sri Lanka’s civil groups urgently hope to understand how to effectively supervise the im...

  • The Future of Japan-Taiwan Relations Under the Lai Administration- Discussion Forum.

    Yesterday (3/25) a CCW delegation including Honorary Advisor Hsiao Hsin-huang, Chairman Tseng Chien-yuan, and Deputy CEO James Kan, attended a forum titled “The Future of Japan-Taiwan Relations Under...

  • Exchange with Japanese and Malaysian Friends Concerned with Parliamentary Reform

    At the beginning of the new year, the CCW engaged in exchanges with friends worldwide who are concerned about democracy. Yesterday (1/4), we separately met with Japanese friends invited by the Asia Pa...

  • State Representatives from Malaysia Visit CCW, facilitating exchanges between the Malaysian and Taiwanese Parliaments!

    Less than 48 hours away from election night, not only was the whole world watching the 2024 Taiwan Election, but also was focusing on the elections of the Legislative Yuan and the future direction of...

  • The Republic of Somalia’s Election Committee Visits CCW

    2024 is described by foreign media as a “super election year” with close to seventy-six countries heading to the polls. At the same time, foreign media and expert scholars are focusing more on the pro...

  • In 2023, the International Affairs Department at CCW marches forward

    Looking forward to the establishment of the 2024 Asia Parliamentary Network Preparatory Committee At the end of this year, the International Affairs Department of CCW experienced a very busy period. T...

  • International Workshop on Parliamentary Data Scraping 2023/12/19

    The "Parliamentary Data Scraping Workshop" focuses on addressing the challenges of making parliamentary data public. Therefore, the second day of the workshop is divided into two sessions: "Exchange o...

  • Citizen Congress Watch Participates in Japan's Three-Star Parliamentarian Award, Sharing Taiwan's Experience and Democratic Values!

    15.11.2023, a delegation from the Citizen Congress Watch (CCW) was invited by Japan's parliamentary oversight group Perennial Opposition to attend the Three-Star Parliamentarian Award Ceremony of Japa...

  • Citizen Congress Watch 10th Term 7th Session Legislative Evaluation Results and Cumulative Performance Announcement Press Conference

    Since its establishment in 2007, the Citizen Congress Watch (CCW) has accumulated 16 years of experience in evaluating legislators, totaling 31 evaluations to date. CCW is the leading label in parliam...

  • Taiwan Representative Group Breaks Through Diplomatic Challenges! Presented and Officially Included「Open Government Partnership Summit」Agenda! Share the Democratic experiences and Achievements of Open Parliament!

    According to Citizen Congress Watch, Open Culture Foundation, Cofacts, The Legislative Yuan and Member Freddy Lim along with the staff of The Legislative Yuan’s “Open Parliament Committee” delegation,...
