Thanking the International Interns

發布日期 2024.05.27

United States, who chose to intern at CCW. In this four month internship period, these students
not only assisted in the collection of materials for legislator evaluation and essay translation, but
also wrote a guide book regarding the groups that monitor their respective parliaments in Asia.
These four brought to our work, a new vigor and international perspective.

Additionally, the students also utilized this four month period to each complete a research report
about Taiwanese politics. Their reports covered the following topics: A Comparison of the
Taiwanese and American Electoral Systems, An Analysis of the Voting Trends on Kinmen, A
Comparison of the Open Data of the Taiwanese and United States Congress, and An
Introduction to the Efficacy Index for European Parliaments. Through their reports, their
colleagues at CCW were able to learn much, and also offer their own insights to the students.
To conclude their time at CCW, we took the students to experience Taiwan’s unique baseball
culture, making their last days in Taiwan full of good memories. We sincerely thank you for your
hard work, and look forward to seeing you again in Taiwan!
