Appointed Dates 10th Appointed Dates / Sessions 第八會期
The 10 th session of legislator in the Legislative Yuan・臺南市第6選舉區
Wang, Ting-Yu
- Party affiliation 民主進步黨
- Caucus affiliation
- Incumbency status 在任
Previous Experience
- Highest degree earned 國立臺北大學企管博士
Legislator evaluation report
第十一屆, 第一會期一般立委
10th Appointed Dates, 第八會期一般立委
10th Appointed Dates, 第七會期一般立委
10th Appointed Dates, 6th Session優秀立委
10th Appointed Dates, 5th Session一般立委
10th Appointed Dates, 4th Session優秀立委
10th Appointed Dates, 3th Session一般立委
10th Appointed Dates, 2th Session優秀立委
10th Appointed Dates, 1th Session一般立委
9th Appointed Dates, 第八會期一般立委
9th Appointed Dates, 第七會期優秀立委
9th Appointed Dates, 第六會期一般立委
9th Appointed Dates, 第五會期優秀立委
9th Appointed Dates, 第四會期一般立委
9th Appointed Dates, 第三會期一般立委
9th Appointed Dates, 第二會期優秀立委
9th Appointed Dates, 第一會期優秀立委
Political views
- Assets declaration 238 ( 廉政專刊 )
Political contributions
- Contact information
Sitting attendance rate in plenary sittingsNo. of expected sitting attendance in plenary sittings12 Actual attendance in plenary sittings1192
Committee meeting attendance rateNo. of expected committee meeting attendance14 Actual attendance in plenary sittings14100
Interpellation RateNo. of expected affiliated committee interpellations12 No. of oral interpellations11 No. of written interpellations092
Statutory and budgetary bills deliberationAmount of exceptional cases on budgetary deliberation7 No. of actual statements made571
- Wang, Ting-Yu
- Average
The 10 th session of legislator in the Legislative Yuan・臺南市第6選舉區
Wang, Ting-Yu
- Party affiliation 民主進步黨
- Caucus affiliation
- Incumbency status 在任
Previous Experience
- Highest degree earned 國立臺北大學企管博士
Legislator evaluation report
第十一屆, 第一會期一般立委
10th Appointed Dates, 第八會期一般立委
10th Appointed Dates, 第七會期一般立委
10th Appointed Dates, 6th Session優秀立委
10th Appointed Dates, 5th Session一般立委
10th Appointed Dates, 4th Session優秀立委
10th Appointed Dates, 3th Session一般立委
10th Appointed Dates, 2th Session優秀立委
10th Appointed Dates, 1th Session一般立委
9th Appointed Dates, 第八會期一般立委
9th Appointed Dates, 第七會期優秀立委
9th Appointed Dates, 第六會期一般立委
9th Appointed Dates, 第五會期優秀立委
9th Appointed Dates, 第四會期一般立委
9th Appointed Dates, 第三會期一般立委
9th Appointed Dates, 第二會期優秀立委
9th Appointed Dates, 第一會期優秀立委
Political views
- Assets declaration 238 ( 廉政專刊 )
Political contributions
- Contact information