【會後新聞稿】民主外交 民間接力 - 台日國會監督組織結盟 合作推動亞洲國會監督網絡
發布時間 2023.06.21, AT 10:27 AM
日本監督國會團體-「萬年野黨」有鑑於國內在野黨和大眾媒體無法有效發揮其監督國會的效果,因此在2013年由日本產、官、學界的重要人士共同成立,期望扮演一個「國會外長期的在野黨」,以非營利組織(NPO)的角色監督國會,這次「萬年野黨」,由前日本國務大臣,現任世界經濟論壇董事會成員的竹中平藏先生(Heizo Takenaka)率領代表團來台,其成員包含:千葉商科大學教授磯山友幸(Tomoyuki Isoyama)、政策工房主席原英史(Eiji Hara)和政策工房首席研究員五島知佳(Chika Goto),此行主要目的是拜訪同樣長期關注台灣立法院的公民監督國會聯盟,交流雙方國會評鑑制度,並且簽署合作備忘錄,開啟台日監督國會團體的密切交流,讓兩國的民主制度更加茁壯穩健。
公民監督國會聯盟理事長理事長曾建元致詞提到:「台灣的監督國會軌跡是從1987年解嚴後,一路發展至今,逐漸形成傳統三權分立和第四權(媒體權)之外的『第五權』,也就是由民間監督國會,這必須建立在一個民主成熟的社會基礎上,才能做到公平合理的國會監督,根據經濟學人資訊社(EIU)所發布的報告,台灣的民主指數名列亞洲第一,公督盟在監督國會的領域上長期所發展出來的方法論也成為各國監督國會組織(NPO)取經的對象,這次很榮幸能和日本萬年野黨共同簽屬備忘錄,為東亞區域的發展和兩國民主深化共同努力。」最後曾建元理事長也引用前首相安倍晉三的話:「台灣有事就是日本有事 現在我們一起做事!」
Democratic Diplomacy, Civilian Relay
The Parliamentary Monitoring organizations of Taiwan and Japan form an alliance and collaborate to promote the Asian Parliamentary Monitoring Network.
In the face of the continuous expansion of authoritarian power in the present-day Asian region, "democratic regression" seems to have become an irreversible phenomenon. How mature democratic countries can deepen their communication and alliances with each other to jointly build a defensive wall of democracy is a common challenge for Taiwan and Japan. The role of civil society, particularly in oversight, plays a crucial role in this process. Therefore, the Citizen Congress Watch in Taiwan and the long-standing monitoring organization "Perennial Opposition" in Japan signed a joint declaration and memorandum of understanding on June 19th today to promote the parliamentary Monitoring network in the Asian region, thereby strengthening the resilience of democracies in various countries.
Former Japanese Minister of State, Heizo Takenaka, led a delegation to visit Taiwan, exchanging experiences in parliamentary oversight
The monitoring organization "Perennial Opposition" was established in 2013 in Japan by influential figures from the business, government, and academic sectors, with the aim of serving as a "long-term opposition party outside the parliament." Recognizing the limitations of opposition parties and mainstream media in effectively supervising the parliament, they adopted a non-profit organization (NPO) approach to oversee the parliament. Led by Mr. Heizo Takenaka, former Japanese Minister of State and current member of the World Economic Forum Board of Directors, the delegation from " Perennial Opposition " visited Taiwan. The delegation members included Professor Tomoyuki Isoyama from Chiba Commerce University, Chairman Eiji Hara of the Policy Workshop, and Chief Researcher Chika Goto, also from the Policy Workshop. The primary purpose of their visit was to meet with the Civic Alliance for Parliamentary Oversight, an organization in Taiwan that has been consistently concerned with the Legislative Yuan. They aimed to exchange insights on parliamentary evaluation systems, sign a memorandum of understanding for collaboration, and foster close communication between the parliamentary oversight groups of Taiwan and Japan, ultimately strengthening the democratic systems of both countries.
The signing of this memorandum of understanding aims to establish an international framework for cooperation in parliamentary oversight in the Asian region. Through closer collaboration between Taiwan and Japan, the goal is to promote the parliamentary oversight network in Asia. Key points of the collaboration include organizing periodic online parliamentary evaluation seminars, jointly hosting award ceremonies for outstanding parliamentarians from Taiwan and Japan, and exploring the possibility of establishing an "automated evaluation data collection program" for parliaments in various Asian countries. Additionally, the memorandum envisions providing shared datasets to enhance transparency and efficiency in national parliaments. Both Taiwan and Japan anticipate that this memorandum of understanding will strengthen the exchange between civic groups in the two countries, solidify the foundation of democracy, and export their over a decade of parliamentary oversight experience to other Asian countries. The aim is to prevent authoritarian forces from eroding the hard-earned fruits of democracy.
Taiwan-Japan Parliamentary Monitoring Exchange Symposium: Deepening the Democratic DNA of Civil Society!
According to the 2022 Democracy Index report released by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) earlier this year, Taiwan and Japan ranked among the top two countries in Asia in terms of democracy. However, it is important to acknowledge the emerging trend of anti-democratic authoritarianism. Over the past decade, the global democracy index has been steadily declining. Restoring people's trust in the democratic systems of their countries is a crucial challenge for mature democracies. Therefore, democratic exchanges between Taiwan and Japan should not be limited to official levels; the key lies in the exchange between civil society groups from both sides. Particularly in the parliamentary arena, the role of civil society in acting as effective overseers becomes even more important.
Following the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the two parties, there will be two public symposiums. One will feature Mr. Heizo Takenaka, former Japanese Minister of State, and Mr. Ku Chung-hua, Chairman of the Citizen Congress Watch, sharing insights on the development and trends of Asian democracy from the perspective of parliamentary oversight over the past decade. The other symposium will involve Mr. Eiji Hara, Director of the Evergreen Party, and Mr. Chang Hung-Lin, Executive Director of the Citizen Congress Watch,, exchanging their experiences on establishing parliamentary evaluation methods that foster public trust. The Citizen Congress Watch hopes that through these bilateral discussions, it can strengthen communication and cooperation with like-minded international partners in Taiwan. Additionally, they aim to raise awareness among the public about the importance of parliamentary monitoring and encourage more people to join the ranks of safeguarding democracy, working together to enhance parliamentary transparency, efficiency, and the determination to strengthen democratic resilience.